Night Shift Mode - Get Into It

Science / Technology

We have all heard that staring at electronic devices before bedtime is harmful to our sleep. Yet even with the nagging research backing the claim and our lack of shut-eye, we live in a world of constant technology absorption. Whether it is social media induced, work related or a need to zone out to TV-we just cant stop glaring at screens at night.

Yet science continues to school us with information on how the blue light transmitted from our devices impairs our body’s ability to produce the ‘sleep hormone’ melatonin. Blue light is actually healthy for us-even necessary. Exposure to blue light during the day helps us be more productive-just as the sun does; it helps our brains identify that it is daytime or waking hours.

Exposure to blue light at nighttime, conversely, causes our body’s natural circadian rhythm to become wonky. This inhibits the production of melatonin while cuing our brain to believe it is ‘wake’ time. Just a sliver of exposure to blue light amplifies our brainwaves to a heightened, less relaxed, more attentive state.

Disruption in our circadian rhythms can have lasting effects beyond dark under eye circles as well. Studies show once disrupted an individual can see negative health issues such as weight gain, impulsivity, slower thinking, and other physiological and behavioral changes.

Dave Asprey held a brilliant interview with Helen Irlen, a therapist specializing in visual perception issues in which they discuss in-depth the negative impact that visual technology can have on optimal brain performance.

We are all on the hunt for life hacks that will optimize our well-being and brain functioning while improving our quality of life. And while there are an overwhelming number of features on the iPhone that go unutilized, night shift mode isn’t one of them.